Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Watch Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Chat During Heat Game

Phone numbers, not punches, were exchanged when Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather’s went face-to-face on Tuesday night — not in the ring, of course, but during a chance meeting at a basketball game in Miami.
The two welterweights, who were in attendance for the Milwaukee Bucks win over the Heat, took a couple of minutes during halftime to chat. Both Mayweather and the Pacman appeared to remain cordial during the exchange, despite years of trash talk and accusations in the absence of a deal that would allow the fighters to settle one of modern boxing’s most-debated rivalries.
“It was a private discussion. They had a private, friendly discussion and that’s all I really want to say,” said Michael Koncz, Pacquiao’s adviser, according to ESPN.
During the exchange, the two boxers also swapped phone numbers, indicating that they may begin taking a greater role in negotiating a deal for a potential showdown in early May, according to the Associated Press.
“He gave his number to me and said we will communicate with each other,” Pacquiao told the AP.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

18-year-old hacker behind massive bank data theft in China

Police in ‪#‎Guangdong‬ Province have revealed fresh details about a gang of 11 men who were arrested in May last year for stealing the ‪#‎bankcard‬ data of over 1.6 million people.
The ‪#‎gang‬ was led by an 18-year-old, surnamed Ye, who had apparently learned programming on his own and then drifted to a life of ‪#‎hacking‬ and‪#‎crime‬.
The gang reportedly sold the data they stole to a number of online agencies. The data were eventually leaked to those, who, using loopholes in online payment systems, siphoned off an undisclosed amount.
According to the police, the potential amount of money on the cards that could have been stolen is estimated at nearly 1.5 billion yuan ($214 million).

The first breakthrough for the police came in May 2014 when they arrested Ye along with his 10 gang members. At the time, they also found 11 computers and 13 POS machines, among other items.
When searching through Ye’s computer, they found the personal data of over 1.6 million people’s bank cards.
While cracking the case, police have warned people to be cautious while making transactions online.
“Use Ukey and other devices that banks provide to ensure security. They are the strongest in protection. So far, we haven’t found any case of Ukeys being hacked,” Mr. Liao, an official with Guangdong police told CCTV.

The case has sparked a wide ranging debate on Chinese microblogging platform Sina Weibo, with many condemning the poor security system of banks.
“Banks should work on dealing with the loopholes! What are they doing every day?” wrote a user named @Jianghaishan.
Others, meanwhile, are seemingly in awe of the 18-year-old Ye for running such a sophisticated operation: “A genius is a genius if he/she is on the right path, but a scourge if he/she takes the wrong way…” opined a user named @HyunQingl.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Car playing Jumping Rope

The Original Penguin Jacket makes a car jump rope.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1795 Boston Time Capsule Opening

The revealing of the contents of the 1795 time capsule placed in the cornerstone of the Massachusetts state house in 1795! 23 coins and one George Washington medal as well as newspapers and documents and a Paul Revere Silver plate!

1795 Boston Time Capsule Opening...