Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Supercave” discovery

t’s called a “supercave,” hidden beneath the ground and reachable only by an underground stream is the immense Miao Room cavern in China.
Reported by an international mapping team using a new laser tracking system, this cavern in the Gehibe Cave complex is said to be the biggest in the world.

Image by: NatGeo

 The single chamber was measured at 380 million cubic feet. To give you an idea of how big that is, you could fit four copies of the Great Pyramid of Giza inside or 22 football fields, and still have plenty of space left over.
"To me this is like discovering that K2 is larger than Everest," Tim Allen, an expedition co-leader who studied the Chinese cave, told National Geographic.
The measurements were this week at the Hidden Earth 2014 national caving conference, held in England.

The ‘supercave’ is located in the Ziyun Getu He Chuandong National Park near Guiyang, China over 100 metres underground and contains And it also contains stalagmites as tall as 45 metres, which are among the world’s biggest.
The caves have not been fully explored, however, with the 3D laser-mapping technique being used to work out what most of it looks like.

Plunge pools on the approach to Sarawak Chamber. Photo: Tour Malaysia 

This discovery makes Miao Room 10 per cent larger than the previous title holder, Sarawak Chamber beneath the jungles of Borneo in Malaysia.
Some will argue that Miao Room is not actually the largest cavern as it is not as deep as Krubera Cave in the Republic of Georgia which plunges more than 2.4 kilometres below the surface and it is not as long as Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave which has more than 640 kilometres of passages but volume of this “supercave” speaks for itself.

Krubera Cave. Photo: Gafa Kassim/Flickr

 There are many caverns that vie for “supercave” status, including Mexico’s Sac Actun which ranks among the longest underwater caves in the world, one of a huge network of water-filled passageways below the earth of Tulum and caving aficionados will continue to explore and map them. As long as they can find a way in.

Monday, September 29, 2014

FHM Model avoided getting reprimanded for a traffic violation with the help of a police signed business card.

MANILA, Philippines–Her post on social media may be more controversial than any of the poses she made on the glossies. A men’s magazine model is in hot water after bragging on social media that she avoided getting reprimanded for a traffic violation with the help of a high-ranking policeman’s signed business card. A screenshot of FHM model Alyzza Agustin’s Facebook post showing off the business card of Philippine National Police Directorate for Plans chief Police Director Alexander Ignacio that let her off the hook for violating traffic rules made rounds in various social media.

Her post read: “Nahuli nanaman ako dahil coding but because of you Boss Alex wala ng huli huli. Thank you so much sa napaka useful mong card with matching dedication pa #happykid” 
(I was caught again because I had violated the number coding, but because of you, Boss Alex, I was not apprehended. Thank you so much for this useful business card with matching dedication.) The post was accompanied with photos of Ignacio’s business card with his signature and message written on the back saying, 
Agustin, who was among ‎the FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World in 2013, however, did not make clear in her post what “EA” stood for. 
This further aroused speculation among netizens who claimed “EA” meant “Extrang Asawa”, suggesting that Agustin is the police official’s ‎mistress. ‎As of posting, the photo has been taken down as Agustin’s Facebook account was deactivated. When sought for comment, newly-appointed PNP spokesperson ‎Senior Superintendent Wilben Mayor said Ignacio is currently abroad and will air his side when he comes back. 

Read more: Inquirer

World's Largest Passenger Plane Lands at DFW

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- Qantas is putting the world's biggest passenger plane on the world's longest airline route.
Image by: Dailymail UK

A Qantas Airbus A380 touched down Monday at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport about 15 hours after leaving Sydney, Australia, on the 8,578-mile journey.
The double-deck, four-engine jet was greeted with a water-cannon salute, then taxied to a two-story gate that was configured just for the behemoth.
The inaugural flight carried a full load of 484 passengers, according to a Qantas spokesman.
DFW is a large airport with connecting flights throughout the U.S. and Latin America, making it ideal for the plane and the route. But the A380's size also limits its appeal. Smaller planes such as Boeing's latest, the 787, are more economical on many routes.
Qantas previously flew the Sydney-Dallas route with the Boeing 747, which required a stopover in Brisbane, Australia.
Image by: Dailymail UK

"The 747 served us really well, but it doesn't have the range of the A380," said Qantas Senior Executive Vice President Vanessa Hudson. "The A380 is much bigger, so we can actually now provide 10 percent additional capacity."
For travelers wishing to fly the new route, it won't be cheap. Hudson said tickets are roughly $1,900 in economy; double that for the roomier seats in premium economy; $7,000 for business class; and $12,000 to $13,000 for first class, where the airline tosses in a set of pajamas and a sheepskin mattress.
The special A380 gate at DFW will be used again on Wednesday, when Gulf airline Emirates begins flying the huge plane between Dallas and Dubai.


Via: Dailymail UK

'O' My: Ring-Shaped Cloud Spotted Over the Pacific (Photo)

Clouds come in all shapes and sizes — they can look like tubes, waves, faces, top hats and even spaceships. But a NASA satellite recently captured an image of a cloud that is almost a perfect circle.
The agency's Terra satellite spotted the O-shaped cloud formation on Sept. 3, as it floated over the Pacific Ocean to the southwest from the Hawaiian Islands. NASA's Earth Observatory released the image on Sept. 27.
This high-flying "O" is made of convective clouds that form when temperature changes make air patches rise and fall. Meteorologists classify convective clouds as open-cell or closed-cell formations. Both types form when clumps of warm air rise. However, closed-cell formations resemble honeycombs, whereas open-cell formations look like O's. [In Photos: Crazy Cloud Patterns]

A NASA satellite spotted this O-shaped cloud over the Pacific in early September.

Closed-cell clouds form when warm air rises and then sinks around the edges. Open-cell clouds, like the one in this image, form the opposite way. The ring shape forms because cold air sinks in the middle and warm air rises around it.
A few different atmospheric conditions can make ring-shaped clouds form, but meteorologists think this particular cloud formed when the sun heated air as it drifted over a small patch of warm ocean water. As the air warmed, clumps of light rain clouds formed. The rain would have cooled down the air under the clouds. The cold air likely created a downdraft, and as the cold air sank, it pushed warm air up around it, creating the ring-shaped cloud formation.
O-shaped clouds are common, but meteorologists didn't know they existed until weather satellites began snapping pictures of them, according to a blog post written by retired meteorologist Lee Grenci. Ground instruments and airplanes couldn't parse out enough detail among dense cloud networks to spot the rings. The first published documentation of an O-shaped convective cloud came from NASA's TIROS-1 weather satellite that launched in 1961.
The newly released cloud photo is part of the Earth Observatory's catalog of satellite images of the ABCs. The projectis collecting pictures of clouds, smoke, ice, islands and even phytoplankton blooms that resemble letters. For example, the project has collected a V-shaped smoke plume that rose from a wildfire in Canada in 2012. The Earth Observatory is still looking for high-quality photos of natural formations that resemble the letters B, G, F and K.
Anyone can browse the NASA satellite collection of images, called Worldview, to hunt for letter-shaped images. Participants can link to potential candidate images in the comments section of this post from the Earth Observatory.

via: YahooPh

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Smart launches FREE mobile Internet for prepaid

MANILA, Philippines—Business tycoon Manuel V. Pangilinan announced on Friday that
telecommunications company Smart is offering free mobile internet to prepaid subscribers of Smart, Talk ‘N Text, and Sun Cellular.
Smart representatives say this means users can browse the Internet, post on their social media accounts, update their profiles, and stream music and videos, among many others, using their mobile phones.
The offer starts from Friday until November 30. While the service is free, “it is finite,” representatives of the company said. Users can enjoy 30 megabytes of free internet daily. Once subscribers reach that limit, they will be prompted to purchase load so they can continue browsing the Internet.
Pangilinan, however, said that since the offer is in its introductory phase, its volume of usage and period of implementation can be extended.


John Prats’ flash mob proposal to Isabel Oli. Watch the Video

Manila Philippines - 2014 is certainly the year for Showbiz couples to propose or either tie the knot. The latest celebrity couple who’s now aligned to get married very soon are Kapamilya and Kapuso star John Prats and Isabel Oli. Unlike the other celebrity proposals, John Prats surprised his girlfriend Isabel Oli with a flash mob.

According to PEP.ph, Isabel Oli thought that she, her boyfriend John Prats and his sister Camille Prats will just go on a shopping at Eastwood City Walk in Quezon City but while they were wandering around the place, Isabel Oli and Camille Prats went to a mob of people just to do “usi” or be part of the growing spectators to the people who unusually gathered and danced at the place. Surprisingly, John Prats went out from the crowd and danced together with them.

After the flash mob, a giant video of John Prats was flashed at the mall where he expressed his feelings towards his girlfriend.  Fireworks ended the video and at the same time John Prats asked the important question to his girl:

“Pwede ka bang maging Mrs. Prats ng buhay ko?” John Prats announced using the microphone and knelt in front of the tearing Isabel Oli.

Of Course, Isabel Oli gave her sweetest “Yes”. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Two Headed Snake. Amazing video of a mutant snake with two heads

Our two headed albino honduran milksnake medusa. This time, some amazing footage of how she moves around and drinks. You can see that both heads have control of the body and actually squabble about going to the water. Once in though, both heads are thirsty and take a nice refreshing drink! She is truly a miracle. Amazing. 


Monday, September 22, 2014

Aegis Malaysia Trashes Philippines in Latest Video Advertisement

Aegis Malaysia puts the Philippines down in this ad calling for investors.

Netizens described the ad as "offensive," "unethical," "racist" and "worst marketing strategy."

AEGIS MALAYSIA advertisement

Facebook To Begin Charging Users $2.99/mo Starting November 1st

Menlo Park, CA — At a press conference this morning, Facebook rolled out their new
monthly service plan which begins November 1st of this year. The social media giant says they will start charging members $2.99/mo to use the services that the site has to offer.

“After thinking long and hard about this decision, at the end of the day, we were forced to add this monthly fee,” Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters. “If we don’t do something about our rising costs now, Facebook could cease to exist in the near future.”

“This is excellent news for Facebook stock holders,” says Wall Street analyst Dale Sackrider. “As of August this year, Facebook had a total of 1.317 billion users. If just 75% of those members pay the new monthly service fee of $3, that will mean an annual influx of cash totaling roughly $3 billion. That’s not just an increase in profits of a few dollars, that’s a game changer right there.”
In an interview with CNN, Facebook spokesman Paul Horner explained the reason for the new monthly fee.

“Economic times are tight, the ads on Facebook are not as profitable as we had planned. Our costs are going up as hundreds of thousands of individuals continue to join the site every day,” Horner said. “There’s so many pictures of cats, and all of those costs add up, we just can’t foot the bill any longer.”

Jack Phillips from Dequincy, Louisiana told reporters that he is not happy with the new monthly fee that will be implemented by Facebook.

“I can barely pay for all my online girly subscriptions right now as it is, and now this Zuckerberg character wants another $3 a month out of me? Well I don’t think so bud,” Phillips said. “There’s free news out there that I get all my learning from, like The Epoch Times. I know their stories are not real, some fancy word called ‘satirical’, but they make me laugh. Though, their grammar and spelling is just God-awful, but I like that; it makes me feel smarter.” Phillips continued, “As for this monthly fee though, I do like using Facebook. That Farmville game on there cracks me up. Hey, look at me, I’m planting some carrots in a field around my kick *ss barn. My friends just love it when I contact them about planting my crops. They’re like, ‘Dangit Jack, you and your gosh dang crops’, I’ll tell you what.”
Fappy The Anti-Masturbation Dolphin, a mascot for a Christian anti-masturbation group, says their business could not survive without Facebook.
“Charging people to use Facebook means there won’t be as many heathens on the site to help stay off the Devil’s playground. Personally, I like Facebook because it helps me promote my side business of making personalized video greetings. Those videos are good, clean fun for the whole family, and they also help pay for my anger management and sex offender classes. Praise Fappy!”
Horner told reporters of an option for those who can’t afford the new monthly fee.

“Here at Facebook we value each and every one of our members. We do not want to see anyone delete their account just because they cannot afford the monthly fee,” Horner said.
“For those who can’t manage the cost, we’ve made it real simple. In a new status update, copy and paste the words, ‘I AM POOR FACEBOOK PLEASE WAIVE MY MONTHLY FEE’. Make sure you include the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee. This will inform the Facebook billing department to waive any fees associated with your account. Unfortunately for free users, access to all Facebook games will no longer be available.” Horner continued, “There’s also a free option which will allow you access to your Facebook account for up to one hour a week, exceeding that will cost $0.49/minute. I think you can agree that it is extremely important to find the right Facebook plan for you!”
Shares of Facebook closed on Friday at 77.81, up 0.81 (1.05%). To order your monthly subscription please call the 24-hour Facebook hotline at (785) 273-0325. Discounts are available to those who pay for an entire year at once.
Via: National Report

House of horrors: Daughter tells how she was forced to sleep with 1,800 men by the time she was 18 as part of Satanic sex cult run from suburban semi

The daughter of a woman involved in a Satanic sex cult has revealed how she will never
forgive her "evil" mother for forcing her to sleep with 1800 men by the time she was 18 years old.

Name Annabelle Forest, says she was made to watch her own mother perform a sex act on the cult's leader Colin Batley as part of her initiation into the sick cult at the age of seven.
At the age of 11 she was raped by Batley, an event she described has "the most painful and shocking thing that ever happened”, in an interview with Wales Online.
Ms Forest has detailed her decade of sickening abuse in a new book called The Devil on the Doorstep: My Escape from a Satanic Sex Cult.
"Afterwards Colin asked me if I enjoyed it and I knew what I had to say – I had to say yes. But inside I felt like dying," she wrote in the book.


However, the worst betrayal followed when she was subjected to sexual abuse by her own mother when she reached 14.
“To be abused like that by your own mum beggars belief”, said Ms Forest.
"Nothing can hurt me as much as mum and that man," Ms Forest told Wales Online.
"My mother was an evil woman and I'll never forgive her."
Colin Batley and Jacqueline Marling were jailed in 2011 for the systemic sexual abuse of the girl while she was a child.
Ms Forest was forced to sleep with close to 2000 men by the time she reached adulthood in order to raise funds for the church belonging to the cult.

The pair’s twisted ideology was based on the Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley.
The couple made children think they were proving themselves to god by performing the sexual acts.
The book claims cult members wore hooded robes while engaging in group sex abuse sessions on Sunday evenings and that snakes were kept in the "altar" quiet cul-de-sac property.
When she was 18, and just three months after having Batley's child, Annabelle was forced to take up prostitution to fund the cult.
"I was a schoolgirl by day and a sex slave by night," she wrote in the book.

"It got so bad at one point I tried to take my own life."
House of horrors: The girl was forced to endure years of sexual abuse at the house in Wales where Batley taught her and other children that passing sexual 'tests' would please God
Batley and his bisexual wife Elaine invited neighbours from the cul-de-sac round to their home where Annabelle and other children were suffered horrendous sexual abuse


Saturday, September 20, 2014

BENCH - The Naked Truth

MANILA PHILIPPINES - Some of the biggest stars in local show business lit up the catwalk
of The Naked Truth -- the annual denim and underwear fashion show of homegrown clothing brand Bench.
Model and television host Georgina Wilson opened the show held at the Mall of Asia on Saturday, followed by several Kapamilya artists Kim Chiu, Paulo Avelino, Jake Cuenca, and Jessy Mendiola.
Rumored couple and teenage heartthrobs Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo also made an appearance, teasing their fans with a couple of sweet gestures onstage.
Other participants included sexy actress Wilson, Ellen Adarna, Solenn Heusaff, and Marian Rivera.
Actors Enchong Dee and Dominic Roque was also at the event, while celebrity couple Richard Gutierrez and Sarah Lahbati heated up the catwalk with a kiss.
Collegiate basketball stars Jeron and Jeric Teng and Arnold Van Opstal also graced the event.
As the show was being held, several netizens and celebrities alike shared photos of the yearly fashion show, launching several phrases and hashtags related to Naked Truth among the top local trends on microblogging site Twitter.

More pictures of the said event: PEP.PH

What Happens Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Noodles?

By Dr. Mercola
Instant noodles are a popular go-to lunch or dinner for those who are strapped for time (or cash), like college students. While you probably don’t consider them a health food, you may think they’re not that bad, or, at least, not as bad as eating a burger and fries or a fast-food burrito.
In a first-of-its-kind experiment, however, Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital may make you reconsider your love of instant noodles (assuming you have one).
He used a pill-sized camera to see what happens inside your stomach and digestive tract after you eat ramen noodles, one common type of instant noodles. The results were astonishing…

Ramen Noodles Don’t Break Down After Hours of Digestion
In the video above, you can see ramen noodles inside a stomach. Even after two hours, they are remarkably intact, much more so than the homemade ramen noodles, which were used as a comparison. This is concerning for a number of reasons.
For starters, it could be putting a strain on your digestive system, which is forced to work for hours to break down this highly processed food (ironically, most processed food is so devoid of fiber that it gets broken down very quickly, interfering with your blood sugar levels and insulin release).
When food remains in your digestive tract for such a long time, it will also impact nutrient absorption, but, in the case of processed ramen noodles, there isn’t much nutrition to be had. Instead, there is a long list of additives, including the toxic preservative tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ).
This additive will likely remain in your stomach along with the seemingly invincible noodles, and no one knows what this extended exposure time may do to your health. Common sense suggests it’s not going to be good…

Five Grams of Noodle Preservative, TBHQ, Is Lethal
TBHQ, a byproduct of the petroleum industry, is often listed as an "antioxidant," but it's important to realize it is a synthetic chemical with antioxidant properties – not a natural antioxidant. The chemical prevents oxidation of fats and oils, thereby extending the shelf life of processed foods.
It's a commonly used ingredient in processed foods of all kinds (including McDonald’s chicken nuggets, Kellogg’s CHEEZ-IT crackers, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Wheat Thins crackers, Teddy Grahams, Red Baron frozen pizza, Taco Bell beans, and much more).
But you can also find it in varnishes, lacquers, and pesticide products, as well as cosmetics and perfumes to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability.
At its 19th and 21st meetings, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives determined that TBHQ was safe for human consumption at levels of 0-0.5 mg/kg of body weight.1
However, the Codex commission set the maximum allowable limits up to between 100 to as much as 400 mg/kg, depending on the food it's added to.2 (Chewing gum is permitted to contain the highest levels of TBHQ.) In the US, the Food and Drug Administration requires that TBHQ must not exceed 0.02 percent of its oil and fat content.3
So there’s quite a discrepancy in supposedly "safe" limits, but it’s probably best to have little or no exposure to this toxicant, as exposure to five grams can be lethal and, according to A Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, exposure to just one gram of TBHQ can cause:4

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) 
  • Delirium Sense of suffocation 
  • Collapse 

While TBHQ is not suspected to be a persistent toxicant, meaning your body is probably able to eliminate it so that it does not bioaccumulate, if you eat instant noodles your body might be getting prolonged exposures. This is concerning, to say the least. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), based on animal studies health hazards associated with TBHQ include:5
Liver effects at very low doses Positive mutation results from in vitro tests on mammalian cells Biochemical changes at very low doses Reproductive effects at high doses Eating 

Instant Noodles Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
If you’re still considering ramen noodles for lunch, you should know a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that women who consumed more instant noodles had a significantly greater risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate less, regardless of their overall diet or exercise habits.6

Women who ate instant noodles more than twice a week were 68 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome -- a group of symptoms such as central obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting blood sugar, elevated fasting triglycerides, and low levels of HDL cholesterol.

Having three or more of the symptoms increases your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Past research also analyzed overall nutrient intake between instant-noodle consumers and non-consumers, and found, as you might suspect, that eating instant noodles contributes little value to a healthy diet.
The instant-noodle consumers had a significantly lower intake of important nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A, niacin, and vitamin C compared with non-consumers.7 Those who ate instant noodles also had an excessive intake of energy, unhealthy fats and sodium (just one package may contain 2,700 milligrams of sodium).8
What Else Is in a Package of Instant Noodles?
Aside from a lot of sodium and the preservative TBHQ, what else is found in a typical serving of instant noodles? Prevent Disease reported:9
“The dried noodle block was originally created by flash frying cooked noodles, and this is still the main method used in Asian countries, though air-dried noodle blocks are favored in Western countries. The main ingredients of the dried noodle are wheat flour, palm oil, and salt. Common ingredients of the flavoring powder are salt, monosodium glutamate, seasoning, and sugar.

…In June 2012, the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) found Benzopyrene (a cancer-causing substance) in six brands of noodles made by Nong Shim Company Ltd. Although the KFDA said the amounts were minuscule and not harmful, Nong Shim did identify particular batches of noodles with a problem, prompting a recall by October 2012.”
The monosodium glutamate (MSG) in instant noodles is reason enough to avoid them. MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your nerve cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain dysfunction and damage to varying degrees -- and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and more.

Part of the problem is that free glutamic acid (MSG is approximately 78 percent free glutamic acid) is the same neurotransmitter that your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas, and other organs use to initiate certain processes in your body. Not to mention, MSG is also used to fatten up mice for scientific study. Yes, MSG is the perfect obesity drug. If you want to achieve your ideal body weight and health, avoid MSG at all costs.

Return to Whole, Living Foods for Optimal Health
Occasionally eating a package of instant noodles clearly won’t kill you, but when you make a habit of substituting convenience foods for real food, it’s only a matter of time before health problems will likely develop. Instant noodles are a prime example of the types of processed foods you want to avoid as much as possible, as they are virtually guaranteed to make you sick and fat if you indulge too much (and “too much” may be as little as a couple of times a week).

Processed foods encourage weight gain and chronic disease because they’re high in sugar, fructose, refined carbohydrates, and artificial ingredients, and low in nutrients and fiber. Processed foods are addictive and designed to make you overeat; they also encourage excessive food cravings, leading to weight gain. Eating processed foods also promotes insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, which are hallmarks of most chronic and/or serious diseases. On the other hand, people have thrived on vegetables, meats, eggs, fruits, and other whole foods for centuries, while processed foods were only recently invented.

Ditching processed foods requires that you plan your meals in advance, but if you take it step-by-step as described in my nutrition plan, it's quite possible, and manageable, to painlessly remove processed foods from your diet. You can try scouting out your local farmer's markets for in-season produce that is priced to sell, and planning your meals accordingly, but you can also use this same premise with supermarket sales. You can generally plan a week of meals at a time, making sure you have all ingredients necessary on hand, and then do any prep work you can ahead of time so that dinner is easy to prepare if you're short on time (and you can use leftovers for lunches the next day, so you don’t have to resort to instant noodles).

Friday, September 19, 2014

DROP TEST - New Iphone 6 and 6 Plus

SHOCKING RESULT - Josh drops the new iPhones in this, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus drop test. 

It’s that time of year again, folks. And no – we’re not sorry.
The iPhone is a formidable device. It represents the bulk of Apple’s revenue, and it’s arguably the most iconic and widely recognized smartphone in the world.
With that said, you know that Apple has spent billions of dollars to put its very best effort forward, and has brought us two different sizes this time around.
Josh, Derek and I all went to Hong Kong to get them for the explicit purpose of being able to provide you a closer look at the device itself, to compare it to leading flagships of the day, and to drop it! 
Watch on to see how it fares!

There you have it folks. The new iPhones passed our drop test with flying colors. Nobody can deny that Apple created another sturdy device with the latest generation of the iPhone, even if the rumored sapphire screen didn’t pan out. Regardless, the glass on the front of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is extremely solid, as the two frontal drops have proven.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

HOAX - Cosmic Rays Entering Earth From Mars


Circulating message warns that potentially dangerous cosmic rays will be entering the Earth from Mars between 10:30 pm and 3:30 am tonight and users should switch off their mobile devices. The message claims that the information comes from BBC News.

Brief Analysis

The claims in the message are nonsense. Depending on their type, cosmic rays come from outside our solar system or from the sun. They do not come from Mars or any other planet. And, the Earth's atmosphere largely protects us from cosmic rays. There are no reports about this supposed threat on BBC news. Nor is there any evidence that cosmic rays could somehow make cell phones dangerous. Sharing this silly nonsense will help nobody. 

I got an SMS like this: 

Detailed Analysis

Warning Claims Dangerous Cosmic Rays from Mars Will Hit Earth Tonight

According to a rather breathless message that is circulating via social media and the blogosphere, cosmic rays emanating from the planet Mars will hit the Earth tonight, between 10:30 pm and 3:30 am.

The message supposedly comes via BBC News. It advises us to switch off our mobile devices during the impact time and ensure that our cell phones are not close by as we sleep because the cosmic rays can be quite dangerous. 

The post ensures us that the information is 'not a joke or a hoax' and asks that we share it to help keep others safe.

Message is a Silly Hoax - No Such Threat Reported

Alas, despite its assurance, the message is indeed a hoax and a particularly silly one at that. No, dangerous cosmic rays will not be entering Earth from Mars tonight or any other night. Or any other day, for that matter. 

Direct exposure to cosmic rays could indeed be harmful. But earth's atmosphere protects us from them. And, cosmic rays might interfere with normal cell phone functioning, but they would not make the devices suddenly dangerous to have around. 

Cosmic rays do not come from planets. Not even from our mysterious red neighbour. And, there are no reports about this supposed Mars generated cosmic ray threat on BBC News, NASA, or any other credible news or scientific resource.

Earth Largely Protected From Cosmic Rays Dangers

Depending on their type, cosmic rays may come from outside our solar system or from our own sun. An article about cosmic rays on Windows to the Universe explains:

There are several different types of cosmic rays. Solar cosmic rays come from the Sun. They have less energy than most other types of cosmic rays. Solar flares and other explosions on the Sun make this type of cosmic ray. A second type is the galactic cosmic ray. Galactic cosmic rays have more energy than solar cosmic rays. Astronomers think they come from supernova explosions, black holes, and neutron stars within our own Milky Way galaxy. A third type is the rare extragalactic cosmic ray. Scientist think these particles come from somewhere outside of our galaxy.
And if humans - such as astronauts on interplanetary missions - were exposed to cosmic rays, they could certainly experience significant health problems as a result. Even if they didn't have their cell phones turned on and close to their beds.

But, thankfully, people and machines on Earth are quite well protected from cosmic rays. The Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere stops most cosmic rays from getting through and causing us harm.

It is true that 'space weather' such as strong solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME's) , can potentially disrupt satellite systems and cause minor and temporary interference with GPS and cell phone signals. But, such events will not cause lasting damage or suddenly make our devices dangerous. And, of course, as the name suggests, solar flares come from our sun, not Mars or any other planet. 

In fact, this bogus message is just a revamped version of a hoax that started circulating in mid 2012:

Tonight 12:30 am to 3:30 am cosmo rays entering earth from mars. So switch off your mobile at night. Don’t keep your cell with you & put it away while you are sleeping because they are too much dangerous rays: NASA informs BBC NEWS. Pls spread this news.
At least the new variant refers to 'cosmic rays' instead of 'cosmo rays'.

Spreading this silly warning will help nobody. If you receive the hoax message, please do not share it with others. And please let the sender know that the warning is a hoax.

Female Streetbike Freestyle stunt rider - SARAH LEZITO


We'll pause for a moment today on this Stunteuse coming straight from the North Pole
(For guys South, Reims is a bit north pole), I appointed Miss Sarah LEZITO. His level merit worth a try, that's why we tried to know more about one of the only girls in the middle to get the Circle (only that !!). A touch of femininity in this world of hairy, it will hurt anyone.

Name: Vignot 

Name: Sarah 

Nickname: Lezito 

Age: 18 
City: Reims 
Job: Student 
Height: 1m69 
Weight: 185 pounds DTX 
Pet: Tina, Labrador, 7 years and counting 
Vehicle (s): Yamaha DTX 125, Yamaha 125 DTRE 
Other Hobbies: ATV and Dirt Street, professional geek, many sports ... 
Favorite Quote: This is the price!

I started 14 years quad, because I had nothing else to do. Then falling on the site Stuntquad
team, bah it pushed me to go a little further, and two years later I went on a motorcycle. Then I met Lolo (Loic Borne), and other stunters the corner, it also forced me to continue, especially to move elsewhere because I always rode alone. The stunt brings me so much every day, it helps me to push myself to myself and stay in shape. middle of the stunt is a male dominated environment. How's it going for you and how are they with you? I've always been much with boys, it's probably why I got into the stunt on one side. So it did not disturb me at all to be in a predominantly male world. Bah with the guys, there's no difference just because I'm a girl, it's not why we help me more or less happily.

Which riders who inspires you?
Jorian since the time of the quad, and my vicking Loic Borne!

You're one of the only girls to pass the Circle This figure asked you time? 
Worse, I really struggled too at first, I struggled to want to start sitting back and I crashed my first DT in this period christ air ... So I've given a few months later, and after a month I enchaînais pairs of two, three rounds, but not as much as I wanted. I got stuck at this stage super long time, and it is only since this summer when I trained every day I enquille many circles and I feel comfortable in the circle.

At the moment you drive 125cc, do you go to wholesale cube soon? 
soon Yes, I expect to have good big bases in 125 for it to go by itself in large cube, so we'll see ...
Slim or Baggy? Slim 
Mac or PC? Mac 
Flip flops or sneakers? Sneakers or Slip Boxer? 
No! Paris or Marseille? Dormans 
Hip Hop or Rock? Rock 
PlayStation or Wii? Nintendo DS 
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook 
Beer or Champagne? Champagne! 
Dub Inc or The Fray? The Fray Travis Pastrana or Tom Cruse? Pastrana

Some Videos of her Stunt.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Men’s magazine slams leak of Ellen Adarna nude photos.

MANILA, Philippines—A men’s magazine condemned Wednesday the unauthorized online distribution of nude photos of model-actress Ellen Adarna.
Esquire Philippines and its publisher, Summit Media, also asked the public to not aid in further spreading Adarna’s nude photographs.
“The recent circulation of such sensitive photos without her (or our) knowledge or consent is in blatant violation of her privacy, and her right to dignity. We share her outrage; we are deeply angry; we will not hesitate to take the appropriate legal action,” said Esquire Philippines in a statement.

The circulating sensitive photos of Adarna are outtakes from the photo shoot for the April 2014 issue of the said magazine.
The men’s magazine said that the model-actress agreed to be featured “with the understanding that no nude photographs taken of her then would be published or disseminated.”
Esquire Philippines maintained that the nude photos of the actress-model used in their April 2014 issue were “treated to make sure any sensitive areas were artfully covered or obscured.”
The magazine said that the leaked sensitive photos of Adarna, taken by photographer Jake Versoza, were not used nor acquired by Esquire Philippines.
The magazine also said that the rights of the magazine and of the photographer have been infringed due to the unauthorized distribution.
The April 2014 issue of Esquire featured a nude Adarna in two alternate covers.

Via: Inquirer

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Malacanang declares October 6 a regular holiday

Malacanang has declared October 6, Monday, a regular holiday, in observance of Eidul Adha.

In Proclamation 875, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III noted the importance of Eidul Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), one of the two greatest feasts of Islam.
Malacanang’s declaration comes almost a week after Aquino submitted a draft law that details the peace deal between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

The proclamation said that the October 6 holiday was upon the recommendation of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) and that the festival date was based on Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body’s declaration.

The Islam feast celebrates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his eldest son Ismail upon God’s orders.

Under the standing Department of Labor and Employment pay rules, if an employee is not working on regular holidays, he or she is still entitled to 100 percent of his or her regular daily rate, “provided he or she was present, or was on leave with pay on the workday immediately preceding the holiday.”

Meanwhile, if an employee works on a regular holiday that also falls on his or her rest day, he or she is entitled to 200 percent of the daily rate for the first eight hours and an additional 30 percent for additional hours.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Amusement Park From Hell

The "Centrifuge Brain Project" gives an insight on scientific experiments with amusement park rides.

Nude-looking cycling strip draws online ire

A Colombian ladies’ cycling team taking part in one of Italy’s most important cycling races has raised eyebrows for their outfit, international cycling media reported on Saturday.
The outfit of the team, sponsored by the city government of Bogota, is made of a skin-color fabric around the sportswomen’s waste and hips, curiously accentuating the cyclists’ private parts.
“How sad,” Italian cycling website Tutobiciweb headlined the article on the team’s “nude look.”
The “revealing” photo immediately became a hit on social media where the consensus seemed to be the design is “just wrong” and “a general disaster.”

Pacquiao fight, 'let's make it happen' says Mayweather

LAS VEGAS - It took just minutes after Floyd Mayweather Jr had scored a dominant win over Argentine
Marcos Maidana on Saturday before the undefeated welterweight champion faced the inevitable question.
Will Manny Pacquiao be his next opponent?
Still in the ring, still covered in sweat, Mayweather had barely time to catch his breath following a bruising 12-round battle with the hard-hitting Argentine when he was asked about the fight that has fascinated and obsessed the boxing world.
Mayweather's unanimous decision over Maidana that improved his perfect record to 47-0 immediately renewed speculation about a long-awaited super-fight between the 37-year-old American and the Filipino great.
"I got to go back and talk to my team, I'm not ducking or dodging no opponent," Mayweather said from the ring. "If a Pacquiao fight presents itself, let's make it happen."
A duel between the defence-minded Mayweather and the aggressive Pacquiao, the biggest drawcards of their generation, has long been savoured by boxing fans, if only to decide the mythical title of the world's best pound-for-pound fighter.
Filipino Pacquiao lost some of his appeal after successive defeats to American Timothy Bradley and Mexican Juan Manuel Marquez in 2012, prompting talk of his possible retirement, though he has since bounced back with two impressive wins.
Five-division world champion Mayweather had been expected to meet Pacquiao in 2010 until negotiations collapsed over the American's demand for random drug testing.
Mayweather, who has hinted at illegal methods by often questioning how Pacquiao could have won world titles in an unprecedented eight weight classes.
"I don't think about Pacquiao, I don't even know him. I wish him the best but that's not my focus," said Mayweather. My focus is Floyd Mayweather that is how I got to where I got to.
"I try not to focus on anyone else's business.
"If it happens it happens. You guys can keep asking the same questions over-and-over and I will give you the same answers.
"That's not my focus.
"My business model is I am my own boss. I call my own shots."
Mayweather announced last week that he will retire in 2015 when his Showtime contract ends in two more fights.
His next fight is expected to come in May but Mayweather said no date has been set and would consider a number of opponents, including Pacquiao.
"We don't know what the future holds for Floyd Mayweather," said the champion. "What realistic is I am 47-0.
"As of right now I want to enjoy my time off. We don't know who we going to be fighting.
"We're not in a rush. We take our time that's how we got to where we got to.
"We not sure what the game plan is."